
Showing posts from August, 2021
         60 YEARS OLD FEMALE     PATIENT WITH HISTORY OF          BURNING MICTURAITION CASE: DATE OF ADMISSION:02/08/2021 60years old female resident of Hyderabad presented to the opd with chief complaint of burning micturaition since 2weeks HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: patient was apparently asympotmatic 14days back then she developed low backache,followed by fever ,chills, with raised bp levels and developed  generalised weakness with burning micturaition. PAST HISTORY: she is having similar complaint every 6months since 6 years History of hysterectomy surgery No history of epilepsy,pedal edema Having DM since 25yrs   PERSONAL HISTORY: Appetite-less Diet-mixed No addictions Bowel and bladder movements-normal FAMILY HISTORY: No history of similar complaints in family  TREATMENT HISTORY: No history of  drug allergy. GENERAL EXAMINATIONS: Patient is coherent ,conscience and cooperative pallor-positive No icterus No  cyanosis No clubbing,lymphadenopathy Temp- BP-110/80 mm of Hg PR-95 BPM